Alyssa Meyer

Elsevier ExamPrep

Description: ExamPrep is an adaptive learning planner and quizzing engine designed for German and British medical students.

Roles: Lead Designer for all aspects of the application design, including product, UX, and visual design

View Case Study

Curriculum Management Platform for Competency Based Education (CBE)

Quotes from Educause demo attendees:
"I love every component of your platform, especially the [CBE] Curriculum Management and Authoring Tools"
-Representative from a Wisconson state university

"I've seen enough. I'm in" (after viewing the CBE platform demo)
-Representative from an Illinois state university

Description: A fully realized proof-of-concept application unveiled to great success and interest at the Educause Sales Conference (2014). CBE allows students to follow an individualized, career-focused learning path, progress at their own pace, and utilize prior-knowledge. As such, this platform was designed to allow educational institutions to manage curriculum and author courseware in a complex system allowing an infinite combination of individual paths to completion of educational goals and certifications

Roles: Lead Designer for all aspects of the application design, including user research and product, UX, and visual design.

Verisign Corporate Website
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Roles: Usability Testing, Design and UX enhancements with measured user analytics results, Managing the web brand and overseeing adherence, Managing and initiating universal design changes, Producing landing page designs, and individual graphics

How The Domain Name System Works
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Roles: Concept, Storyboad, Animation Specs, Information Architecture, Design, Development Specs

Go to Website >
*Note: To view full scrolling page animation, view on a desktop computer

TV Website
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Roles: Concept, Information Architecture, Design, Development Specs

Sallie Mae Brand Identity Quiz

Roles: Concept, Illustration, Animation, Coding

View Animation >
*Note: Flash animation will not display on iPhones or iPads

Sallie Mae Marketing Holiday Card

Roles: Illustration, Animation, Coding

View Animation (has sound) >
*Note: Flash animation will not display on iPhones or iPads

GWU Inn Website
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Roles: Layout, Design

DNC International Website
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Roles: Layout, Design