Description: ExamPrep is an adaptive learning planner and quizzing engine designed for German and British medical students.
Roles: Lead Designer for all aspects of the application design, including product, UX, and visual design
Quotes from Educause demo attendees:
"I love every component of your platform, especially the [CBE] Curriculum Management and Authoring Tools"
-Representative from a Wisconson state university
"I've seen enough. I'm in" (after viewing the CBE platform demo)
-Representative from an Illinois state university
Description: A fully realized proof-of-concept application unveiled to great success and interest at the Educause Sales Conference (2014). CBE allows students to follow an individualized, career-focused learning path, progress at their own pace, and utilize prior-knowledge. As such, this platform was designed to allow educational institutions to manage curriculum and author courseware in a complex system allowing an infinite combination of individual paths to completion of educational goals and certifications
Roles: Lead Designer for all aspects of the application design, including user research and product, UX, and visual design.
Roles: Concept, Storyboad, Animation Specs, Information Architecture, Design, Development Specs
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*Note: To view full scrolling page animation, view on a desktop computer
Roles: Concept, Illustration, Animation, Coding
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*Note: Flash animation will not display on iPhones or iPads
Roles: Illustration, Animation, Coding
View Animation (has sound) >
*Note: Flash animation will not display on iPhones or iPads
Roles: Layout, Design
Roles: Layout, Design